National Institutes of Health
Find science-based health information on symptoms, diagnosis, treatments, research, clinical trials and more from NIH, the nation’s medical research agency.

Science Daily
News and information from the latest published research. Health topics are organized under Health and Medicine, Mind and Brain, and Living Well.

Physician’s Desk Reference
Drug information, FDA communications, and medication guides and resources.

American Heart Assoc.
Health, wellness and nutrition information, techniques and advice on getting healthy, conditions related to and/or that affect the heart, caregiver resources and more.

Am. Cancer Society
Information on various types of cancer along with risk factors, detection, diagnosis and treatment, guidance on prevention and mitigation, support and treatment, and published research.

Am. Diabetes Assoc.
Information about diabetes and the effects and implications of the condition, guidance and advice for living with diabetes, food and fitness guidance and more.

Alzheimer’s Assoc.
Information on Alzheimer’s and dementia including risk factors, diagnosis and treatment, statistics and clinical studies as well as caregiver support and resources, insurance, financial and legal information.


**The Gateway was created with support from the Oklahoma Department of Libraries with federal funds under the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) and the Institute of Museum and Library Services.**

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